Guide for Authors

The journal of Aquatic Animals Nutrition (AAN), scientific-research and systematic review articles prepared in various fields of nutrition in different species of farmed and wild aquatic animals, which were written in Persian language and have not been published in any national or foreign periodical or submitted to another journal at the same time. The journal of Aquatic Animals Nutrition (AAN) will accept those that have not been sent by following the points in this guide and after going through the judging process. This publication publishes research findings in the following formats:

  1. An original research paper that is related to various research in the fields of aquatic animal nutrition and has been prepared in full.
  2. Short communication that contains important but limited research findings.
  3. Review article, which is the result of several years of research findings of a researcher who is known in the mentioned field, with reference to at least 7 previous related articles published by him/her (in reputable journals) in the form of an important research topic and based on desired format.


Required files to be uploaded: Five essential files must be submitted through the manuscript submission system: 1. The main file of the manuscript (without the names of the authors), 2. Title page in the mentioned format, 3. Authorship form (must include the title of the article and the name and surname of all authors and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the article file), and 5. Cover letter.


Sectioning and Structure:

Authors must consider the following standards to prepare the submitted article. Any errors or failure to comply with the mentioned standards will lead to the return of the article and delay in the judging process. Authors are advised to use the latest issue of the magazine as a model for compiling submitted articles.

1. The submitted article is a maximum of 16 pages (main text) with 2.5 cm margins on the sides, top, and bottom and 1.2 line spacing under the Word software (preferably 2003 and 2007) with B Nazanin 12 font for Persian text and Font 12 Times New Roman should be prepared for the English text.

2. Titles of all tables and figures should be typed in bold type with font 11. The title of the table should be placed above it and the figures below it. All the numbers of the tables and graphs should be in Farsi, the punctuation marks should not be in the form of dots, and their numbers should be referred to in the text of the article.

3. Scientific names should be inserted in italics. For any, it is necessary that the scientific names in parentheses are mentioned for the first time in the text; But there is no need to repeat it in the rest of the text.

4. Avoid using foreign words and terms as much as possible, and if necessary, include them in parentheses.

5. Marking (punctuation) within the text should be observed. For example, it is not necessary to put a space before the dot (.), comma (,), and question mark (?), but after them it is necessary to insert a space.

6. All units in the text should be mentioned in the metric system (SI). To bring units such as grams per cubic meter, liters per second, and milligrams per liter, use 3g/m, L/S, and mg/L respectively, and bring these items as g/m3, LS-1, and mg/ l should be avoided.

7. To prepare the tables, it is necessary that the caption should be representative of the entire research done and the results should be presented along with the name of the desired species. The title must be in both English and Farsi. The text of the table should also be in English. Each table consists of an outer horizontal line at the bottom and top, and its title is also separated from the table text. Drawing a vertical line in the table should be avoided. The table below is an example of a standard table.

8. To prepare the figures, the title must be representative of the entire research done and the results should be presented along with the name of the desired species. The title must be in both English and Farsi. The figure or diagram itself must be given in English. Color patterns are not used in preparing the columns of the charts and simple patterns with white, gray, and black colors are used. The chart should have an explanation of the X and Y axis along with the corresponding unit and, if necessary, its legend should be included in the chart. The diagram must not have a border. The figure below is an example of a standard chart.

9. Follow the Harvard citation guidelines. Only the sources used in the text should be presented in the reference list. All Persian and foreign references must be in English and alphabetical order. It is necessary to use new and up-to-date sources in the desired field in writing the article, and articles that have used many old sources will not be prioritized. When writing sources, the first line of each source must be without indentation, and the following lines from under the fourth letter (with indentation). If individual and joint articles from the same author are mentioned, first the individual articles and then the joint articles are sorted alphabetically by the names of other authors. If the researcher(s) have several similar articles, the sources are adjusted according to the year of publication from old to new. If there are several sources from one researcher(s) in one year, they are separated by putting the letters a, b, c, etc. in front of the year of publication. Sources in the text are given only by mentioning the last name and the year of publication. In sources with more than two authors after the name of the first author of the phrase et al. It is used in non-italic form. In the text of the sentences, the word colleagues should be used. In the reference list, the term et al should not be used. used and the names of all authors should be given. The following examples specify how to cite sources in the text:

- Various studies also indicate this issue (Dabrowski, 2001; Falahatkar and Poursaeid, 2012; Abedian Kenari et al. 2013).

- The study of Sajjadi et al. (2010) and Agh (2022) showed that ...

     The method of providing resources in the resources section is as follows. Markings and setting of sources should be done very carefully and the existing format should be followed. The method of providing resources in the resources section is as follows. Markings and setting of sources should be done very carefully and the existing format should be followed.



1. Article published in a scientific journal

Eslamloo, K., Falahatkar, B. and Yokoyama, S., 2012. Effects of dietary bovine lactoferrin on growth, physiological performance, iron metabolism and non-specific immune responses of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 32(6), pp.976-985.

2. Paper presented at a conference

Poursaeid, S., Falahatkar, B., Mojazi Amiri, B., Van Der Kraak, G. 2012. The effect of long-term triiodothyronine implantations on the growth performance and physiology of cultured female great sturgeon (Huso huso). Domestication in Finfish Aquaculture, October 23-25, Olsztyn, Poland.

3. Book

Wedemeyer, G.A. 1996. Physiology of Fish in Intensive Culture Systems. Chapman & Hall, New York, p. 232.

4. Book chapter

Hung, S.S.O., Deng, D.F. 2002. Sturgeon, Acipenser spp. In: Nutrient requirement and feeding of finfish for aquaculture. Webster, C.D and Lim, C. (Eds.). CABI Publishing, 344-357.

5. Dissertation and Thesis

Tavakoli, S. 2007. The effect of cortisol on food intake and the expression of appetite-regulating neuropeptides in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Master of Science, The University of Guelph, 99p.

6. Internet website

IUCN. 2023. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. [online]. Available at: (Accessed: 10 June 2023)


Other essential items

- Articles that have more than one author, sending it by the corresponding author is considered as the consent of all authors.

- All authors are responsible for the correctness of the presented data and compliance with ethical and scientific principles.

- The article has not been sent or published to another publication, and if this issue is observed, the journal will be free to remove this article at any stage of judging or publishing.

- To improve the quality of the article and correct possible mistakes, the final version is sent to the responsible author for final review before publication in the journal.


Essential sections of the article

1. Title page and specifications

     The first page should be considered as the title page of the article, the names of the authors, addresses, and details of the responsible author along with the phone number and email address of the organization/university. The title of the article should be descriptive and as short as possible and should be bold and black. The names of the authors should be in full and should be given with a superscript numbering indicating the address of each author and separated by a comma. The address of each author(s) is given in full by mentioning the index at the beginning. The responsible author should be marked with an asterisk and below the addresses, his full details (phone and e-mail) should be included.


2. Extended English Abstract

In this abstract, which will be extended and more detailed than the usual abstract, there are various sections such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion, which should be set in a limit of two pages and according to the format. At the end of the extended abstract, up to 6 keywords are given.


3. Persian abstract

The second page is dedicated to the abstract and keywords. Abstract should not exceed 300 words and keywords should not exceed 6 words. In the abstract, a summary of the article, stating the problem and purpose, the materials and methods, the results, and the conclusion should be given in a clear and expressive manner in one paragraph. It is desirable to use keywords different from those mentioned in the title of the article (as much as possible) because in this case, the chance of using the article by other researchers after publication in that field increases. The third page is dedicated to the title, addresses, abstract, and keywords in English, which should be completely based on the format mentioned in the Persian edition and be exactly the Persian translation.


4. Introduction

In this section, the topic of the research should be introduced, the importance of doing the work should be stated (statement of the problem), the important previous research works inside and outside the country should be mentioned, the desired species should be introduced and the purpose of the study should be stated at the end of the work. It is necessary to use as many new sources as possible in this section and not exceed 2 pages in total.


5. Materials and Methods

Mainly, the purpose of the materials and methods section is to provide complete information about the conditions and method of the experiment so that other researchers can design and implement it again. In this section, a detailed description of the treatments, experimental design, and materials and methods used in the research should be given. It is appropriate to divide this section into different sub-sections (for example, fish and rearing conditions, experimental design, growth measurements, nutritional indicators, and statistical analysis). If the common published methods have been used, refrain from describing them and just cite the source, but if a new method has been used, its full description is necessary. In the case of using devices, kits, and equipment, it is necessary to mention the name of the company, the city, and the country of manufacture inside the parentheses in front of it.


6. Results

This section contains all the findings of the research, which are presented in the form of tables or figures along with relevant explanations. No discussion and interpretation or comparison with the results of others should be given in this section. The presented results should not be presented in both table and graph form (repeatedly). To prepare the tables and figures, refer to the previously mentioned explanations.


7. Discussion

In this section, the presented results are analyzed and interpreted in such a way that by referring to the obtained results and comparing them with similar and related works, the logical reasons for these results are justified. At the end, it is necessary to refer to practical suggestions or practical and theoretical applications of the results and general conclusions.


8. Acknowledgments

In this section, the authors can express their thanks and gratitude to the providers of financial needs and research facilities, or other people who helped or participated in the research. At the end of the text of the research article, the name of the institution where the study was conducted or provided financial support should be mentioned.


9. References

All the sources that are mentioned in the text in this list should be brought according to the items mentioned in paragraph 9 of the preparation of the article.



1. Online Submissions: Our selection of articles depends on the quality, breadth, and originality of the theme(s) covered and their bearing on the focus of the journal. We do not accept manuscripts published elsewhere. Five files should be submitted. Submit the manuscript without the authors' names, affiliations, and biographies. Along with it, submit a cover page that includes the manuscript title, authors' names and affiliations, and the corresponding author's name and contact information (full postal and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers). The maximum number of pages should not exceed 16, including footnotes. Only one submission by an author will be considered at a time. Learn about the publication process and how to submit your manuscript. If you have not registered yet, please click on: Register. After successfully registering, you should have a username and password. If you already have a username and password, please Login.

2. Upload the article in the system: After registration, you will have a username and password through which you can enter the system. Click on the "Submit Article" option at the top of the page. The article should be uploaded as an original file and include all parts of an article (abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, suggestions, conclusion, sources used, and English abstract). Please make sure that figures and tables must be included in the text of the article. In the text of the article, wherever a figure or table is mentioned, the corresponding figure or table should be inserted immediately after the end of the paragraph. In the Farsi and English abstracts, as well as the name of the original file, the specifications and the names of the authors should not be included. The main file name should be the English title of the article.

Before uploading the file, be careful: upload exactly one file of the "main text of the article" type. Note that the article file should be attached without mentioning the name and address of the authors. Please upload only files with English names. A very important point regarding the importance of choosing the corresponding author, at the time of uploading the article, there is an option to specify the author responsible for the correspondence in the author profile section. After submitting the article, all the steps of the file can be seen and tracked only from the author's page in the folder of the author responsible for the correspondence, and other authors will not be able to access and follow up. Therefore, be sure to be careful when determining the author of the correspondence.


3. Initial review: The submitted article will be reviewed first by the executive director of the quarterly. It is the author's responsibility to prepare the article according to the format available on the site, as well as carefully read the "Authors Guidelines" to fix possible problems. Due to the non-cooperation of some authors, the article may remain in the preliminary revision stage for a long time. Therefore, please be sure to read the authors' guide page carefully before submitting the article and follow the mentioned items completely. Uploading one of the recently published articles on the journal's website can help the corresponding author as a model. After the approval of the expert of the publication in the initial review, the article is placed in the status {under review}. If approved by the editor, it will be sent to the appointed referees.


Important points

    After correcting the article (initial editing stage) and adding the reviewers' comments (author's revision stage), when uploading the original file, be sure to delete the old file and upload the new (modified) file. In the system, only one article of the main article file type can be sent. No file outside the system is valid.

  How to track the article:

    After a month and a half has passed since the approval of the expert and the initial acceptance of the article, if the article is in {under review} status and no response has been received, send a follow-up email to the expert:

    If you have any questions or problems, please contact the executive director only through the contact section or the following email: