Effects of relative replacement of different levels of dehulled soybean meal (DHSM) with fish meal on growth performance of adult Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus

Document Type : Research Paper


International Sturgeon Research Institute, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Guilan, Iran


The present study was designed and implemented to evaluate the effects of relative replacement of different levels of dehulled soybean meal (DHSM) instead of fish meal on growth performance of adult Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). In this study, a total of eighty 4-year-old Persian sturgeons (Acipenser persicus), with an average weight of 3850 g were fed with 8 isonitrogenetic and isolipidic diets for 52 weeks. Experimental diets include different percentages of dehulled soybean meal include 0, 10, 15, 20% without amino acid, 15 and 20% replacement with lysine and methionine, and 15 and 20% replacement with lysine and methionine and L-carnitine supplement (DHSM0, DHSM10, DHSM15, DHSM20, DHSM20+AA, DHSM15+AA, DHSM20+AA+L.car. DHSM15+ AA+L.car.). After 52 weeks, no significant difference was observed between weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), LX and PV in different treatments. The protein efficiency ratio and feed efficiency (FE) in DHSM0 was significantly higher than that of DHSM20+AA and DHSM15+AA. Hepatosotic index of fish in DHSM0, DHSM10, DHSM15, DHSM20 + AA+L.car. DHSM30 + AA+L.car. was significantly higher than that in DHSM30 + AA. Gonadosomatic index exhibited alterations under the influence of the diet.  Effect of diets containing dehulled soybean meal with L-carnitine supplement on the reproductive system of female fish was significant and positive. The somatic growth in female Persian sturgeon was higher than that of males. However, their gonadic growth and stages of sexual maturity were significantly lower than that in males. The highest sexual maturity index of male fish was observed in DHSM15 + AA+L.car diet, so that at the end of the rearing period, 75% of fish were in stage IV of sexual maturity and 25% in stage III-IV. Addition of L-carnitine and essential amino acid supplement such as lysine and methionine to the diet containing soybean meal displayed a positive effect on the growth and reproductive indicators in the functional diet of Persian sturgeon and probably can improve significantly the production of Persian sturgeon fry.


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