Main Subjects = Aquatic nutrition
Determining nutritional indices of Dori bleak, Alburnus doriae and Brond Snout, Chondrostoma regium in Zayandehroud River, Central Iran

Volume 10, Issue 3, October 2024, Pages 49-64


Omidvar Farhadian; JAVAD BAGHERI; Nasrollah Mahboobi Soofiani; Safiollah Heidari; Eisa Ebrahimi

Comparison of the fungal contamination in Rainbow trout feed in farms located in fields and mountains

Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Pages 21-35


Donya Nikaein; Aghil Sharifzadeh; Ahmad Erfanmaensh; Mohammad sadegh Moradi; Mohammadreza Fatahpour

Effect of dietary lecithin on antioxidant defense of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss broodstock and offspring

Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Pages 37-48


Fatemeh Jafari; Naser Agh; Farzaneh Noori; Abdoljabbar Irani; Reyhaneh Ravanbakhsh; Mahdi Imani

Effects of taurine on growth performance, body composition and physiological responses of western white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei broodstock

Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Pages 49-65


Vahid Morshedi; Mahmoud Nafisi Bahabadi; Mansour Torfi Mozanzadeh; Amin Oujifard; Naser Agh; Khalegh Maneii; Ahmad Qasemi; Nehzat Bakhshi; Hadi Ebrahimi; Rezvan Tamadoni; Shirin Hamedi; Reza Bagherpour; Fatemeh Solimani

FTIR: A novel method for identifying fish gut contents

Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Pages 67-80


Abolfazl Aminimehr; Mohammad Amini Chermahini; Laleh Moosavi Dehmoordi

Changing of taste organ in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus, Borodin, 1897) during early development

Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 15-25


Mohammadamin Zarini; Soheil Eagderi; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Mahta Arabshahi

Investigating the hatchability and nauplii biometry of Artemia franciscana in unconventional waters of Sistan region, Southeast Iran

Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 57-75


Hashem Khandan Barani; Abdolali Rahdari; Narjes Sanchooli; Ali Khosravanizadeh

Effect of different photoperiods on growth indices of female sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus

Volume 9, Issue 4, January 2024, Pages 31-45


Bahman Meknatkhah; Masoud Sattari; Bahram Falahatkar; Samaneh Poursaeid

Investigation of antioxidant capacity in farmed beluga (Huso huso) fingerling fed with Echinacea purpurea and garlic (Allium sativum) powder extracts

Volume 9, Issue 4, January 2024, Pages 87-98


Soheil Bazari Moghadam; Forouzan Bagherzadeh Lakani; Jalil Jalilpoor; Mehdi Masoumzadeh

Evaluation of the possibility of Spirulina Spirulina platensis culture in the deep aquifer well, Seistan, Southeastern Iran

Volume 9, Issue 3, October 2023, Pages 15-31


Abdolali Rahdari; Ali Khosravanizadeh; Sahel Pakzad Toochaei; Roghayeh Karami